===== Installing NWN Diamond on Linux =====
A Windows installation built using [[/getting_started/how_to_play/using_nwn_diamond#starting_from_scratch_recommended|those steps]] is Linux compatible so I will mostly repeat the same steps but with Linux commands.
For this tutorial, I used a fresh installation of Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.2 LTS 64 bit on a VirtualBox VM, but it should be similar with other Linux distributions.
==== Create an Empty Folder ====
This is where the installation files will be put: \\ {{:getting_started:how_to_play:using_nwn_diamond:linux_20190402-173828.png}}
==== Download the Required Game Data Files ====
wget "https://sinfar.net/files/NWNDiamondData.exe"
wget "http://sinfar.net/haks/sinfar_all_files_v29.exe"
==== Extract the Files ====
The .exe that you downloaded can be extracted with p7zip.
sudo apt install p7zip-full
7z x NWNDiamondData.exe
7z x sinfar_all_files_v29.exe
===== Configuring Linux to Run NWN Diamond =====
==== Add 32 Bit Support on 64 Bit Linux ====
NWN Diamond is 32 bit, so to run it on a 64 bit Linux system, you may need to add the 32 bit architecture support (Until I did that, I was getting getting "./nwmain: No such file or directory").
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5 libstdc++6:i386
==== Install NWN Diamond Dependencies ====
The NWN Diamond executable (nwmain) need the following libraries: \\ {{:getting_started:how_to_play:using_nwn_diamond:linux_20190402-175929.png}} \\
libm.so.6, libpthread.so.0 and libc.so.6 should be installed with the 32 bit support. \\
libmss.so.6 is in your miles_linux folder and will be found when running the "./nwn" script. \\
libGL.so.1, libGLU.so.1 and libSDL-1.2.so.0 may need to be installed:
sudo apt install libgl1:i386
sudo apt install libglu1-mesa:i386
sudo apt install libsdl1.2debian:i386
==== Run NWN Diamond ====
The script to launch the NWN Dimaond executable (nwmain) with the needed parameters is "./nwn". But first, you may need to make them executable:
chmod 755 nwmain nwn dmclient
And if all is good, the game should start, enjoy! \\