const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_COLOR_MAPPING = 0x01; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_SHADOW_MOD = 0x02; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_SCALE = 0x04; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_MOVEX = 0x08; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_MOVEY = 0x10; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_MOVEZ = 0x20; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_COLORSOVERRIDE = 0x40; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_ROTATEX = 0x0100; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_ROTATEY = 0x0200; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_ROTATEZ = 0x0400; const int ARMOR_PART_EXTRA_INFO_RGBAOVERRIDE = 0x0800; const float DEGREE_PER_RADIAN = 57.2957795; const int RGBA_RED = 0; const int RGBA_GREEN = 1; const int RGBA_BLUE = 2; const int RGBA_ALPHA = 3; const int DURATION_TYPE_INNATE = 4; const int DURATION_TYPE_EQUIPPED = 3; const int SERVOPT_TYPE_TEXT = 3; const int SERVOPT_TYPE_TAG = 4; const int SERVOPT_TYPE_RESREF = 5; const int ITEM_XDATA_PART_ALL = 0; const int ITEM_XDATA_PART_TOP = 1; const int ITEM_XDATA_PART_MIDDLE = 2; const int ITEM_XDATA_PART_BOTTOM = 3; const int OBJECT_TYPE_SOUND = 0x0200; const int OBJECT_TYPE_AREA = 0x0400; const int OBJECT_TYPE_MODULE = 0x0800; const int DOOR_OPEN_STATE_CLOSED = 0; const int DOOR_OEN_STATE_OPEN1 = 1; const int DOOR_OEN_STATE_OPEN2 = 2; const int DOOR_OEN_STATE_DESTROYED = 2; const int X_EVENT_TIMED_EVENT = 1; const int X_EVENT_ENTERED_TRIGGER = 2; const int X_EVENT_LEFT_TRIGGER = 3; const int X_EVENT_REMOVE_FROM_AREA = 4; const int X_EVENT_APPLY_EFFECT = 5; const int X_EVENT_CLOSE_OBJECT = 6; const int X_EVENT_OPEN_OBJECT = 7; const int X_EVENT_SPELL_IMPACT = 8; const int X_EVENT_PLAY_ANIMATION = 9; const int X_EVENT_SIGNAL_EVENT = 10; const int X_EVENT_DESTROY_OBJECT = 11; const int X_EVENT_UNLOCK_OBJECT = 12; const int X_EVENT_LOCK_OBJECT = 13; const int X_EVENT_REMOVE_EFFECT = 14; const int X_EVENT_ON_MELEE_ATTACKED = 15; const int X_EVENT_DECREMENT_STACKSIZE = 16; const int X_EVENT_SPAWN_BODY_BAG = 17; const int X_EVENT_FORCED_ACTION = 18; const int X_EVENT_ITEM_ON_HIT_SPELL_IMPACT = 19; const int X_EVENT_BROADCAST_AOO = 20; const int X_EVENT_BROADCAST_SAFE_PROJECTILE = 21; const int X_EVENT_FEEDBACK_MESSAGE = 22; const int X_EVENT_ABILITY_EFFECT_APPLIED = 23; const int X_EVENT_SUMMON_CREATURE = 24; const int X_EVENT_ACQUIRE_ITEM = 25; const int X_EVENT_WHIRLWIND_ATTACK = 26; const int X_EVENT_BOOT_PC = 27; const int X_EVENT_ALL = 0; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_TALK = 1; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_SHOUT = 2; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_WHISPER = 3; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_TELL = 4; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_DM = 5; const int CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY = 6; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 0; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_PERCEPTION = 1; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_SPELLCAST_AT = 2; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_ATTACKED = 3; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_DAMAGED = 4; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_DISTURBED = 5; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_COMBAT_ROUND = 6; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_CONVERSATION = 7; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_SPAWN = 8; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_RESTED = 9; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_DEATH = 10; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 11; const int CREATURE_SCRIPT_BLOCKED = 12; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_CLOSE = 0; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_DAMAGE = 1; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_DEATH = 2; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 4; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_DISTURBED = 5; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_LOCK = 6; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_ATTACKED = 7; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_OPEN = 8; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_SPELLCAST_AT = 9; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_UNLOCK = 11; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_USED = 12; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 13; const int PLACEABLE_SCRIPT_CLICK = 15; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 0; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 1; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_LOAD = 2; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_CLIENT_ENTER = 4; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_CLIENT_LEAVE = 5; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_ACTIVATE_ITEM = 6; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_ACQURATE_ITEM = 7; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_UNACQURATE_ITEM = 8; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_DEATH = 9; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_DYING = 10; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_RESPAWN = 11; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_REST = 12; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_LEVELUP = 13; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_CURSCENE_ABORT = 14; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_EQUIP_ITEM = 15; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_UNEQUIP_ITEM = 16; const int MODULE_SCRIPT_PLAYER_CHAT = 17; const int AREA_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 0; const int AREA_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 1; const int AREA_SCRIPT_ENTER = 2; const int AREA_SCRIPT_EXIT = 3; const int AOE_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 0; const int AOE_SCRIPT_ENTER = 2; const int AOE_SCRIPT_EXIT = 3; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_OPEN = 0; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_CLOSE = 1; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_DAMAGED = 2; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_DEATH = 3; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 5; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_LOCKED = 6; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_ATTACKED = 7; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_SPELCAST_AT = 8; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_UNLOCKED = 10; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 11; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_TRANSITION_CLICK = 12; const int DOOR_SCRIPT_FAIL_TO_OPEN = 14; const int STORE_SCRIPT_OPEN = 0; const int STORE_SCRIPT_CLOSE = 1; const int TRIGGER_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 0; const int TRIGGER_SCRIPT_ENTER = 1; const int TRIGGER_SCRIPT_EXIT = 2; const int TRIGGER_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 3; const int TRIGGER_SCRIPT_TRANSITION_CLICK = 6; const int ENCOUNTER_SCRIPT_ENTER = 0; const int ENCOUNTER_SCRIPT_EXIT = 1; const int ENCOUNTER_SCRIPT_HEARTBEAT = 2; const int ENCOUNTER_SCRIPT_EXHAUSTED = 3; const int ENCOUNTER_SCRIPT_USER_DEFINED = 4; const int PVP_SETTING_NONE = 0; const int PVP_SETTING_PARTY = 1; const int PVP_SETTING_FULL = 2; const int SERVSETTING_MAX_PLAYERS = 1001; const int SERVSETTING_PVP_SETTING = 57; const int SERVSETTING_PAUSE_AND_PLAY = 58; const int SERVSETTING_ONLY_ONE_PARTY = 59; const int SERVSETTING_ELC = 60; const int SERVSETTING_ILR = 61; //const int SERVSETTING_CD_BANNED_BEHAVIOR = 62; const int SERVSETTING_DISALLOW_SHOUTING = 63; const int SERVSETTING_SHOW_DM_JOINED = 64; //const int SERVSETTING_BACKUP_SAVED_CHARS = 65; const int SERVSETTING_SAVES_FAILURE_ON_1 = 66; const int SERVSETTING_VALIDATE_SPELLS = 67; const int SERVSETTING_EXAMINE_EFFECTS_ON_CREATURES = 68; const int SERVSETTING_EXAMINE_CR_ON_CREATURES = 69; const int SERVSETTING_MAX_HIT_POINTS = 70; const int SERVSETTING_RESTORE_SPELL_USE = 71; //const int SERVSETTING_ALWAYS_RESET_ENCOUNTERS = 72; const int SERVSETTING_HIDE_HIT_POINTS_GAINED = 73; const int SERVSETTING_STR_DESCRIPTION = 1; const int SERVSETTING_STR_PLAYER_PASSWORD = 2; const int SERVSETTING_FLOAT_MIN_HIPS_DISTANCE = 1; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE = 1; const int EFFECT_ICON_REGENERATE = 2; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_REDUCTION = 3; const int EFFECT_ICON_TEMPORARY_HITPOINTS = 4; const int EFFECT_ICON_ENTANGLE = 5; const int EFFECT_ICON_INVULNERABLE = 6; const int EFFECT_ICON_DEAF = 7; const int EFFECT_ICON_FATIGUE = 8; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY = 9; const int EFFECT_ICON_BLIND = 10; const int EFFECT_ICON_ENEMY_ATTACK_BONUS = 11; const int EFFECT_ICON_CHARMED = 12; const int EFFECT_ICON_CONFUSED = 13; const int EFFECT_ICON_FRIGHTENED = 14; const int EFFECT_ICON_DOMINATED = 15; const int EFFECT_ICON_PARALYZE = 16; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAZED = 17; const int EFFECT_ICON_STUNNED = 18; const int EFFECT_ICON_SLEEP = 19; const int EFFECT_ICON_POISON = 20; const int EFFECT_ICON_DISEASE = 21; const int EFFECT_ICON_CURSE = 22; const int EFFECT_ICON_SILENCE = 23; const int EFFECT_ICON_TURNED = 24; const int EFFECT_ICON_HASTE = 25; const int EFFECT_ICON_SLOW = 26; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_STR = 27; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_STR = 28; const int EFFECT_ICON_ATTACK_INCREASE = 29; const int EFFECT_ICON_ATTACK_DECREASE = 30; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_INCREASE = 31; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_DECREASE = 32; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_INCREASE = 33; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE = 34; const int EFFECT_ICON_AC_INCREASE = 35; const int EFFECT_ICON_AC_DECREASE = 36; const int EFFECT_ICON_MOVEMENT_SPEED_INCREASE = 37; const int EFFECT_ICON_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE = 38; const int EFFECT_ICON_SAVING_THROW_INCREASE = 39; const int EFFECT_ICON_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE = 40; const int EFFECT_ICON_SPELL_RESISTANCE_INCREASE = 41; const int EFFECT_ICON_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE = 42; const int EFFECT_ICON_SKILL_INCREASE = 43; const int EFFECT_ICON_SKILL_DECREASE = 44; const int EFFECT_ICON_INVISIBILITY = 45; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMPROVEDINVISIBILITY = 46; const int EFFECT_ICON_DARKNESS = 47; const int EFFECT_ICON_DISPELMAGICALL = 48; const int EFFECT_ICON_ELEMENTALSHIELD = 49; const int EFFECT_ICON_LEVELDRAIN = 50; const int EFFECT_ICON_POLYMORPH = 51; const int EFFECT_ICON_SANCTUARY = 52; const int EFFECT_ICON_TRUESEEING = 53; const int EFFECT_ICON_SEEINVISIBILITY = 54; const int EFFECT_ICON_TIMESTOP = 55; const int EFFECT_ICON_BLINDNESS = 56; const int EFFECT_ICON_SPELLLEVELABSORPTION = 57; const int EFFECT_ICON_DISPELMAGICBEST = 58; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_DEX = 59; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_DEX = 60; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_CON = 61; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_CON = 62; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_INT = 63; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_INT = 64; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_WIS = 65; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_WIS = 66; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_INCREASE_CHA = 67; const int EFFECT_ICON_ABILITY_DECREASE_CHA = 68; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ALL = 69; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_MIND = 70; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_POISON = 71; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DISEASE = 72; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_FEAR = 73; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_TRAP = 74; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_PARALYSIS = 75; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_BLINDNESS = 76; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DEAFNESS = 77; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SLOW = 78; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ENTANGLE = 79; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SILENCE = 80; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_STUN = 81; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SLEEP = 82; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CHARM = 83; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DOMINATE = 84; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CONFUSE = 85; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CURSE = 86; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAZED = 87; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ABILITY_DECREASE = 88; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_ATTACK_DECREASE = 89; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAMAGE_DECREASE = 90; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE = 91; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_AC_DECREASE = 92; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE = 93; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE = 94; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE = 95; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SKILL_DECREASE = 96; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_KNOCKDOWN = 97; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE_LEVEL = 98; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_SNEAK_ATTACK = 99; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_CRITICAL_HIT = 100; const int EFFECT_ICON_IMMUNITY_DEATH_MAGIC = 101; const int EFFECT_ICON_REFLEX_SAVE_INCREASED = 102; const int EFFECT_ICON_FORT_SAVE_INCREASED = 103; const int EFFECT_ICON_WILL_SAVE_INCREASED = 104; const int EFFECT_ICON_TAUNTED = 105; const int EFFECT_ICON_SPELLIMMUNITY = 106; const int EFFECT_ICON_ETHEREALNESS = 107; const int EFFECT_ICON_CONCEALMENT = 108; const int EFFECT_ICON_PETRIFIED = 109; const int EFFECT_ICON_SPELL_FAILURE = 110; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_MAGIC = 111; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ACID = 112; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_COLD = 113; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DIVINE = 114; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ELECTRICAL = 115; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_FIRE = 116; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE = 117; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_POSITIVE = 118; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_SONIC = 119; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_MAGIC_DECREASE = 120; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ACID_DECREASE = 121; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_COLD_DECREASE = 122; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DIVINE_DECREASE = 123; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_ELECTRICAL_DECREASE = 124; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_FIRE_DECREASE = 125; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_NEGATIVE_DECREASE = 126; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_POSITIVE_DECREASE = 127; const int EFFECT_ICON_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_SONIC_DECREASE = 128; const int EFFECT_ICON_WOUNDING = 129; const int EFFECT_STATE_CHARMED = 1; const int EFFECT_STATE_CONFUSED = 2; const int EFFECT_STATE_FRIGHTENED = 3; const int EFFECT_STATE_TURNED = 4; const int EFFECT_STATE_DAZED = 5; const int EFFECT_STATE_STUNNED = 6; const int EFFECT_STATE_DOMINATED = 7; const int EFFECT_STATE_PARALYZE = 8; const int EFFECT_STATE_SLEEP = 9; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_INVALIDEFFECT = 0; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_HASTE = 1; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE = 2; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SLOW = 3; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_RESURRECTION = 4; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISEASE = 5; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SUMMON_CREATURE = 6; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_REGENERATE = 7; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SETSTATE = 8; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SETSTATE_INTERNAL = 9; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ATTACK_INCREASE = 10; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ATTACK_DECREASE = 11; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_REDUCTION = 12; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_INCREASE = 13; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_DECREASE = 14; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TEMPORARY_HITPOINTS = 15; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_INCREASE = 16; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY_DECREASE = 17; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ENTANGLE = 18; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DEATH = 19; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_KNOCKDOWN = 20; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DEAF = 21; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_IMMUNITY = 22; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SET_AI_STATE = 23; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ENEMY_ATTACK_BONUS = 24; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ARCANE_SPELL_FAILURE = 25; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SAVING_THROW_INCREASE = 26; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SAVING_THROW_DECREASE = 27; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_MOVEMENT_SPEED_INCREASE = 28; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_MOVEMENT_SPEED_DECREASE = 29; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_VISUALEFFECT = 30; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_AREA_OF_EFFECT = 31; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_BEAM = 32; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SPELL_RESISTANCE_INCREASE = 33; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SPELL_RESISTANCE_DECREASE = 34; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_POISON = 35; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ABILITY_INCREASE = 36; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ABILITY_DECREASE = 37; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE = 38; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_HEAL = 39; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_LINK = 40; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_HASTE_INTERNAL = 41; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SLOW_INTERNAL = 42; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_MODIFYNUMATTACKS = 44; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_CURSE = 45; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SILENCE = 46; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_INVISIBILITY = 47; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_AC_INCREASE = 48; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_AC_DECREASE = 49; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SPELL_IMMUNITY = 50; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISPEL_ALL_MAGIC = 51; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISPEL_BEST_MAGIC = 52; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TAUNT = 53; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_LIGHT = 54; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SKILL_INCREASE = 55; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SKILL_DECREASE = 56; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_HITPOINTCHANGEWHENDYING = 57; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SETWALKANIMATION = 58; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_LIMIT_MOVEMENT_SPEED = 59; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DAMAGE_SHIELD = 61; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_POLYMORPH = 62; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SANCTUARY = 63; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TIMESTOP = 64; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SPELL_LEVEL_ABSORPTION = 65; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ICON = 67; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_RACIAL_TYPE = 68; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_VISION = 69; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SEEINVISIBLE = 70; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ULTRAVISION = 71; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TRUESEEING = 72; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_BLINDNESS = 73; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DARKNESS = 74; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_MISS_CHANCE = 75; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_CONCEALMENT = 76; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TURN_RESISTANCE_INCREASE = 77; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_BONUS_SPELL_OF_LEVEL = 78; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISAPPEARAPPEAR = 79; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISAPPEAR = 80; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_APPEAR = 81; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_NEGATIVE_LEVEL = 82; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_BONUS_FEAT = 83; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_WOUNDING = 84; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SWARM = 85; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_VAMPIRIC_REGENERATION = 86; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DISARM = 87; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_TURN_RESISTANCE_DECREASE = 88; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_BLINDNESS_INACTIVE = 89; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_PETRIFY = 90; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_ITEMPROPERTY = 91; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_SPELL_FAILURE = 92; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_CUTSCENEGHOST = 93; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_CUTSCENEIMMOBILE = 94; const int EFFECT_TRUETYPE_DEFENSIVESTANCE = 95; const int VARIABLE_TYPE_INT = 1; const int VARIABLE_TYPE_FLOAT = 2; const int VARIABLE_TYPE_STRING = 3; const int VARIABLE_TYPE_OBJECT = 4; const int VARIABLE_TYPE_LOCATION = 5; const int AREA_TRANSITION_LINK_NONE = 0; const int AREA_TRANSITION_LINK_DOOR = 1; const int AREA_TRANSITION_LINK_WAYPOINT = 2; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_DIRT = 1; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_OBSCURING = 2; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_GRASS = 3; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_STONE = 4; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_WOOD = 5; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_WATER = 6; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_NOWALK = 7; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_TRANSPARENT = 8; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_CARPET = 9; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_METAL = 10; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_PUDDLES = 11; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_SWAMP = 12; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_MUD = 13; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_LEAVES = 14; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_LAVA = 15; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_BOTTOMLESSPIT = 16; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_DEEPWATER = 17; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_DOOR = 18; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_SNOW = 19; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_SAND = 20; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_BAREBONES = 21; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_STONEBRIDGE = 22; const int SURFACE_MATERIAL_TRIGGER = 30; const int NODE_TYPE_STARTING_NODE = 0; const int NODE_TYPE_ENTRY_NODE = 1; const int NODE_TYPE_REPLY_NODE = 2; const int LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 0; const int LANGUAGE_FRENCH = 1; const int LANGUAGE_GERMAN = 2; const int LANGUAGE_ITALIAN = 3; const int LANGUAGE_SPANISH = 4; const int LANGUAGE_POLISH = 5; const int LANGUAGE_KOREAN = 128; const int LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 129; const int LANGUAGE_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 130; const int LANGUAGE_JAPANESE = 131; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_PC = 0; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_IMMOBILE = 1; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_VERY_SLOW = 2; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_SLOW = 3; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_NORMAL = 4; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_FAST = 5; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_VERY_FAST = 6; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_DEFAULT = 7; const int MOVEMENT_RATE_DM_FAST = 8; const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_INVALID = 0; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_ITEM = 1; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_SPELL = 2; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 4; see struct quickslot_s; const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_PARRY = 3; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = 10 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_FEAT = 4; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = Feat id const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_TALKTO = 6; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_ATTACK = 7; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_EMOTE = 8; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = emote id const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_MODE = 10; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = mode id const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATECREATURE = 11; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATEITEM = 12; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATEENCOUNTER = 13; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATEWAYPOINT = 14; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATETRIGGER = 15; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATEPORTAL = 16; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_CREATEPLACEABLE = 17; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_MACRO = 18; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TOGGLEINVULNERABLE = 19; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_FORCEREST = 20; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_GOTO = 21; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_HEAL = 22; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_KILL = 23; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKECONTROL = 24; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKECONTROLFULLPOWERS = 25; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_GIVEGOLD = 27; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = gold amount const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKEGOLD = 28; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = NEGATIVE gold amount const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_GIVEITEM = 29; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKEITEM = 30; // set/getquickslot: no const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_GIVEXP = 31; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = xp amount const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKEXP = 32; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = NEGATIVE xp amount const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_GIVELEVEL = 33; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = number of levels const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TAKELEVEL = 34; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = NEGATIVE number of levels const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_LIMBO = 35; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_TOGGLEAI = 36; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_POSSESSFAMILIAR = 38; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_EXAMINE = 40; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_BARTER = 41; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 0 const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_ASSOCIATECOMMAND = 42; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = command id const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_CANCELPOLYMORPH = 43; // ?? const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_SPELLLIKEABILITY = 44; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; basically the same as spell const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_SHIFTALIGNMENTGOOD = 45; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = amount to shift towards allignment const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_SHIFTALIGNMENTEVIL = 46; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = amount to shift towards allignment const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_SHIFTALIGNMENTLAWFUL = 47; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = amount to shift towards allignment const int QUICKBAR_TYPE_DM_SHIFTALIGNMENTCHAOTIC = 48; // set/getquickslot: yes; Param#: 1; iParam1 = amount to shift towards allignment const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_INVITE = 9; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_LEAVE = 6; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_ACCEPT = 11; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_REJECT = 12; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_KICK = 7; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_PARTY_TRANSFER_LEADER = 8; const int PARTY_EVENTTYPE_AREA_ENTER = 2; const string SERVER_IP = ""; const int MOD_STRREF_ERROR = 2474; const int ACTION_IN_PROGRESS = 1; const int ACTION_COMPLETE = 2; const int ACTION_FAILED = 3;