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How to Play

Connect with Us!

Be ready to ask questions and find friends to play with already, the best place is our Discord server:

You can also use our forum:, the code to register is NWNSF71258

Install the Game

Sinfar is running an extended version of the legacy NWN1.69 (Diamond) game server which support both the NWN 1.69 client (Windows & Linux) and the NWN:EE 8181 client (Windows). You choose:

using_nwn_diamond (Recommended)

Launching the Game and Connecting to Sinfar Server

Run sinfarx.exe, It should start you game. You can pass the same parameters to it that you can pass to nwmain.exe.
Then follow those steps to connect to Sinfar Server:

Create a New Character

Click the “New Character” button and follow the steps. You can create as many characters as you want so don't spend to much time on your first one. Also, the following new character options can be fully changed later:

  • Gender
  • Portrait
  • Alignment
  • Customize

Before Playing Your Character

getting_started/how_to_play.1551064267.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/25 03:11 by Mavrixio

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