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Scripting Events

Scripting events have 3 properties:

  1. The Moment and Condition in Which They Are Called (Event Name)
  2. The Event System Used (Event Type)
    This determine how to register the event and access the parameters.
  3. The Script to Execute
    This is your script or someone else script that you registered to a specific event to perform a specific behaviour on specific objects.

Event Systems

New Internal Events

Sinfar server side plugin adds many new events, they can be PAGE INFO ALREADY TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW WIKI - Script Based Events or PAGE INFO ALREADY TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW WIKI - Variable Based Events. Here's the list:

Variable NameDescriptionCallerParametersReturn Value / BypassEvent() ResultExample
EVENT_CANUSECalled before determining if an item can be used or not.The Item0: The item possessorBoolean: Weather or not the item can be used (SetEventResultInt(TRUE or FALSE))scroll_w_canuse
building/scripts/events.1552265124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/11 00:45 by Mavrixio

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