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Using NWN:EE

Sinfar currently uses an older version of NWN:EE (81.8193.16)

The latest update of EE broke character creation on Sinfar. You can revert to older versions or get someone else to make a character for you.

You can download the win32 client of that specific build here:

Extract this archive in your Neverwinter Night installation's bin folder, next to your win32 folder, for example: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Neverwinter Nights\bin and it will create the folder: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Neverwinter Nights\bin\win32_8181

Here's what you should get:

As you can see, it includes SinfarX so to launch the game, run sinfarx_ee.exe

Getting necessary override: Due to changes to EE models, users of the client can't load into Sinfar and need a few override files. These should be put into the ovr folder of the win32_8181 folder from the SinfarxEE download above:

Get the Haks

The easiest way is to subscribe to the workshop.
Alternatively and for non-steam users, you can download them manually: sinfar_all_files_v29.exe and extract them in your “C:\Users\username\Documents\Neverwinter Nights” folder.
And here's more download options:

Done! Go back to the How to Play page.

getting_started/how_to_play/using_nwn_ee.1636393740.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/08 17:49 by ItsABadger

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