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Sinfar is made to be a very dynanamic world. It is possible for anyone to build their own area using the game's editor (the Aurora Toolset).

How to Start Building a House

Anyone can build the interior of houses that they own or have been given the ID and “password” by their owner. Follow the instructions here to get a house: PAGE INFO ALREADY TRANSFERRED TO THE NEW WIKI - Housing System and here to start building it: Adding Player Houses

How to Make Scripts, Dialogs, Creatures and Other Restricted Blueprints for inside Your House

The housing system is made so that you can even make your own scripts for inside your house and they will have no effect outside of it when ran. This feature is although restricted to selected players and Sinfar Supporters.

Read more here: scripts

How to Build or Modify an Island

You need to be a Sinfar Builder. Sinfar Builders are chosen by Mavrixio base on the following criterias:

  1. The idea/concept that they want to build
  2. Their building skills
  3. How trustworthy they are
building.1552857531.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/17 21:18 by Mavrixio

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